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Old February 24, 2012   #12
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Location: Maryland's Eastern Shore
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Originally Posted by tjg911 View Post
i was thinking the same thing! you know in the overall scheme of things here in ct, this is nothing. i can't discuss anything because it's all politics but the morons that are in hartford (governor and legislature) have been ruining this state for decades. oh new ones come and go and they just get worse, it's a crisis here, we are bankrupt tho you don't hear it on the news yet. waste like this is an every day occurrence and the tax payers, whether state or federal, pick up the tab. no one is ever punished it's just no big deal, the government will pay for it.


I know it is small comfort Tom but I think CT has a lot of company across the US. It concerns me greatly, not so much for myself but for my children. From time to time I think of Jefferson and wonder how many generations will pass before we reach the time of the next great fracture in our nations history and how much sacrifice will be required to steady the path.

The irony of this being in the soil building section just struck me. I'll let this go now. It's not that I would really head off into into politics. I couldn't because I don't believe in it or in any politician, at least none breathing. It is however getting too serious and causing my mood to turn dark. I will however take away a new signature as you will see below...


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."
Thomas Jefferson, 1787

Last edited by RebelRidin; February 24, 2012 at 07:21 AM. Reason: Stepping back a bit...
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