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Old March 2, 2012   #37
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Posts: 32

Seems to be similar to the CSAs I've seen operate locally, only a tomato-only co-op?

One arrangement this article mentions is paying helpers in goods (tomatoes) rather than money.

But the CSA I saw in operation has its "customers" come to a central location and pick up a big bag of produce every week. How many tomatoes could you expect each of your buyers to consume every week? Would it be worth your labor to do the paperwork and process just a few tomatoes per buyer weekly? What would be your delivery system?

Also, if they pay you upfront and you invest their money in your operation...and something goes wrong (perish the thought) you are going to owe them money you've already spent? If I'm reading the Wiki article correctly, the CSAs get the customers to share in the risk...and they "diversify" with several different crops, so if there's a crop failure with one, there are others to fill the bag of produce.

I have absolutely no experience with this, and it may show. Just thinking.
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