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Old March 7, 2012   #93
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Originally Posted by chalstonsc View Post
Are the additive recommendations coming out in your latest revision the same as in 3.5?

Yes, they are as documented in the current Guide. All I am going to add in Rev 3.6 are some more detailed clean-out, Combo Mix preparation, and other clarifications like do NOT cut out the landscape fabric directly over the wicking basket.

You would be surprised at the number of emails I receive on this apparent confusion, as people don't seem to grasp that the landscape fabric is water permeable, and there is no need to cut a circular opening over the wicking basket. In fact, that would defeat the entire purpose of having the landscape fabric there in the first place in keeping the roots out of the wicking basket.

As mentioned above, I am trialing a number of new additives suggested to me by folks in the "cash crop" business, as they may have beneficial impact on tomato plants as well. But I always want to run them myself for the Season first before I add any of them to the recommended list in the Guide.

I know others (Naysen) are experimenting with other new additives like House and Garden Amino Elements, so collectively, we can all pool our experiences - good and bad to learn from everyone's trials.

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