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Old March 10, 2012   #62
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
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Does that dissolve easily?
As far as I know, none of these Espoma *-tone fertilizers are intended
for foliar feeding or soil drenches. Instead, they are mixed into the
soil, side-dressed, etc. For seedlings, one can use a pinch in a 3" pot
when potting up sprouted seedlings without overdoing it. Bio-tone is
specifically intended for growing seedlings, transplanting trees or shrubs
or perennials into a landscape, etc.

If you soak a couple of tablespoons of these fertilizers in water, it will
dissolve some little bit of the nutrients that is already water-soluble, and
you could spray with that if you filter it before putting it in the sprayer
(coffee filter, piece of old cotton t-shirt in the top of a funnel, something
like that). Most of the fertilizer is not going to dissolve, though. It needs
bacteria and fungi in the soil and weathering for the nutrients in it
to become available to plants.
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