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Old March 24, 2012   #51
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Anmore, BC, Canada
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It was very sunny today, and almost 60F! Lovely indeed
Good luck with hardening off!

My larger (4" pots) tomato seedlings have been outside in a cold frame, day and night, since Mar 9, with an electric heater to protect from the frosty nights we had. As I had difficulties moving around, my husband put the heater there, so he did not need to bring them in and out every day. It worked! The lowest temp was 40F at night, and they did not seem to mind... but did not grow too much. I hope the warmer days with help them to get going.

My health has not been getting any better lately, the weakness in my hands and legs is still there, so these little 'helpers' are really important, I would not be able to do it without them and my hubby and my son who also helps quite a bit.

I hope I will be able to get up tomorrow and do a bit more things in the garden - keeping my fingers crossed! It will be another nice day tomorrow...

The forecasts are showing colder than usual spring here in PNW, so plantings will be delayed this year, but something tells me we will have a great summer and bountiful harvest in 2012!

Tatiana's TOMATObase
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