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Old April 17, 2012   #38
Medbury Gardens
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Medbury, New Zealand
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The story with Kowiniwini is ,i was given it about 20 years ago and all that time it never did that well,i would get these tiny little spuds from equally as small plants and every year, i would think,"why do i bother with this one",then three seasons ago i dug one plant up and 'huge spuds',it was like it had been in a coma and it had just woke up.So the last two seasons its been producing good crops but certainly bigger this year as has every other potato.

I'll get some Cara TPS off to you Mark and dont worry about the SASE,it only costs me $NZ2.70.i'll do another post on Cara once ive dug it,its the last row to be done.

Today when i get a spear hour i'll do the next row which is Moie moie,ive noticed with this spud that some plants tend to grow stem tubers, these plants grow there crop close to the surface as well while others don't grow any stem tubers and grow a much deeper crop,the deeper growers are what i pick from for the following years seed spuds.
Here's a good example of a Moie moie with heaps of stem tubers and you wouldn't believe it,in all the years of growing this spud its never had berry,the plant below produced two,so i put them in my pocket forgetting that it had a hole in it ,i'll be head down hoping to see them on the ground somewhere in the coming days

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