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Old May 8, 2012   #27
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Ami / Dwayne - Thank you both for the follow-ups.

I just spent a couple more minutes looking at the labels for Heritage and Quadris on the Syngenta website and here's what I found.

Interestingly, the Syngenta website lists both a "Current EPA-Approved Label" and a "Previous EPA-Approved Label" for both Heritage and Quadris. It appears that both Heritage and Quadris were previously approved for use on tomatoes but, for some reason, only Quadris is currently approved by the EPA.

Personally, I don't much care for the EPA and I'm not really concerned with whether or not the EPA approves of its use on tomatoes. The fact that the company's website still provides the Previous EPA Approved List (which approves the use of Heritage for tomatoes) on their website tells me that the company also isn't too concerned with the risk of application on tomatoes. However, that's just my own opinion.

I'll be interested to hear what Dwayne finds out from Syngenta.

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