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Old May 23, 2012   #26
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 74

Originally Posted by tjg911 View Post
this is the 1st year i started them in a container. mine got to 3 1/2 to 4" in a 12 or 16 oz cup, 1 plant per cup. at this point i decided that if they got taller they might be outgrowing the cup for their roots and their height. their roots had grown to the bottom of the cup so i think my judgement was sound. you can start more than 1 seed in a cup, i put 3, but i cut out 2 as it was too crowded (if you want a group of 2 or 3 that's ok i did not). if i knew i'd get 100% germination i'd have put just 1 bean in each cup. i would not separate them, beans are not too keen on having their roots disturbed. i was very careful getting them out of the cup and into the ground trying to minimize any disturbance to their roots.

I started my beans in cups, but they have already pretty much reached the limit of the cup. I am doing balcony gardening, so mine won't be going into the ground. Can anyone recommend the minimum size of a pot they should go into for their permanent home for the season? (I have 3 seedlings per starter cup, and they don't look seperable in most cases, but I could sacrifice some of them if 3 in one pot is too much).
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