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Old June 16, 2012   #41
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Posts: 269

Continued from Post #35:

June 27, 2012 63 days after transplanting into final containers (5 to 7 gallons).

Amethyst V11.28 (Parent was variegated, but none of these are)
#1 One 4.0 inch and one 2.5 inch dark purple fruits, 4 lobes.
#2 Seven 1.5 to 2.5 inch yellow-purple to purple fruits, 3 - 4 lobes.
#3 Five 1.5 to 2.5 inch purple fruits and two button to 1 inch yellow fruit, mostly 4 lobes, largest one has three lobes.

Chocolate Bell V11.14 (These two plants are beautiful and fruitful. I like the look.)
#1 Eight button to 3.0 inch dark green blocky fruits, 3 - 4 lobes. Very crowded fruit distorting each other.
#2 Four 2.0 to 3.0 inch dark green blocky fruits, 4 lobes. Very crowded fruit distorting each other.

Fire Opal V11.7
#1 Eight 1.5 to 3.5 inch long bells, chartreuse to lavender some with vertical stripes, 4 lobes.
#2 Three 0.5 to 3.0 inch long bells, chartreuse to dark lavender, 4 lobes.
#3 Heavily damaged by a now-dead Tobacco Hornworm. Six 0.625 to 2.0 inch chartreuse fruit blushing to lavender, 4 lobes.

Royal Purple V11.6 (This is a rather disappointing family starting with germination and continuing into fruiting.)
#1 One 4.0 inch dark purple flattened bell with 3 lobes. Disappointing yield.
#2 Variegated, a few buds, no fruit. This plant appears to be unlikely to produce fruit.
#3 Many, many 1.0 to 2.0 inch dark purple - almost black - long thin cone shaped fruits held upright. HOT!!!
#4 Four 0.75 to 2 inch chartreuse fruit very slowly turning purple. This is likely the best of the Royal Purple bunch in my garden, but that's not saying a lot.

White Gold V11.2
#1 Six 0.75 to 3.0 inch yellow blocky fruits, mostly 4 lobes, largest one has three lobes.
#2 Three 2.0 inch yellow blocky fruits, 4 lobes.

September 13, 2012 141 days after transplanting into final containers (5 to 7 gallons).

Amethyst V11.28
#1: Elongated bell, starts yellow, turns a deep purple, which turns first to red and then to mahogany.
#2: Elongated bell, starts yellow, turns a lollipop purple within a week, matures a muddy red.
#3: Elongated, somewhat pointed bell, starts yellow, turns a nice purple within 10 days, matures a pretty red.

Chocolate Bell V11.14
#1: A pointed bell, starts green and stays that way for six weeks, then turns reddish brown and, if left on the plant, eventually turns red.
#2: Very similar to #1, except more blocky.

Fire Opal V11.7
#1: Blocky bell, born yellow, slowly turning to a light purple finishing at gold. It is likely to hold some purple when mature.
#2: Slightly elongated bell, born yellow, turning quickly to a deeper purple than #1 ending up at gold. It will probably retain some purple in maturity.
#3: Slightly elongated, somewhat pointed bell, born yellow, slowly obtaining a lavender wash that does not cover the entire fruit. It will still have a lot of lavender at maturity.

Royal Purple V11.6 Things have gotten interesting with this quirky and surprising family!
#1: Elongated to blocky bell, starts chartreuse, gaining a purple wash that turns dark purple. The purple fades to gold and the fruit matures at a striking red. Very decorative color changes.
#2. The plant has variegated foliage. It is slow to flower, fruit and color. A smaller pointed bell that starts yellow-green, becoming green, then purple and maturing at a really deep red-purple, which carries through to the interior.
#3: This plant was different from the start and it still is. The flowers were white with purple margins - a bad sign for a sweet pepper. The growth was taller than the others, the distance between branches was a bit greater and the leaves were thinner. All marks of a hot pepper. And it is a hot one. I just can't take hot peppers so I can't give you a personal reading of the heat, but another gardener who likes hots says it is less hot than a habanero. Well, that's a relief (I guess). They begin as yellow, cone shaped fruit that retain that color for more than a month. They then go to dark purple and finish as a brick red that is almost black on the side exposed to the sun.
#4: Similar to #1, except that it doesn't have a gold stage and it is a blocky bell.

White Gold V11.2
#1: Blocky bell born yellow, soon paling to near white, then regaining its yellow color and ending at a slightly deeper yellow.
#2: Could have been a clone of #1.

Last edited by dinca; September 13, 2012 at 09:17 PM.
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