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Old June 21, 2012   #56
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Starting from the center of the flower you have:
Stigma, Style, and Ovary - these are the organs that become the fruit and produce seed
Anthers - a yellow to white cone that produces pollen
Petals - The fragile flower parts comparable to petals on a rose
Sepals - these are the "crown" of green soft leaf like structures around the top of the fruit
Pedicel - This is the stem on which the fruit develops.

Re Rose Quartz, I grow Rose Quartz Multiflora which may be what you have. It produces very large flower clusters.

I have a Gregori's Altai that is producing gorgeous and delicious deep pink cherry tomatoes. This is probably a cross since I don't have any other cherry tomatoes that quite fit the color and shape of these. The cherry gene is dominant so it would be consistent with a bee made cross.

I have 5 plants of Piennolo (seed from Nctomatoman) that are looking spectacular. They appear to be turning an orange color which is typical of tomatoes with the rin gene for ripening inhibition. The plants have relatively open potato leaf canopy with medium fruit set of pear shaped tomatoes with a distinctive nipple. I have 2 or 3 that are nearly ripe.

I have a few other unusual plants in the garden, but most of them will have to wait

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