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Old June 27, 2012   #2
Save$'s Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Maine
Posts: 46

I called the local extension service. Sent them some pictures of my plants. The conclusion is that this is herbicide damage, but most likly not 2-4 D, A couple years back, I spayed my lawn with a weed killer. I was after the crabgrass. It turns out that some broadleaf herbicides can linger in the ground for 5-6 years. I thought that stuff would be gone shortly after I put it on. I have cucumbers growing in that lawn area. They show no symptoms of being poisoned.
It was so odd seeing the center row being impacted, but not so much in the outside rows.
I've already been out shopping and have several plants potted up in large containers and given tomato fertilizer. If needed, I will use a couche on the other end of the growing season. That is if I escape BL.
Love to Garden, Burn Pellets,
Have a solar space, cloche and do vertical growing.
Will do a lot of canning if I can keep LB away.
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