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Old September 18, 2006   #3
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Zone 5 Wisconsin
Posts: 117

I don't think there is anything one would grow in an edible garden that can't be grown successfully in containers.

Lots of people have failures, but that is almost always due to not understanding how container culture differs from in ground gardening rather than there being anything about the plant that makes it a poor choice for containers.

It's kind of a trial and error thing. I have lots of trials (and errors) under my belt so I am something of an expert on what not to do.

In general, more water and more fertilizer more often than the same plants in ground. Much more and much more often.

All of the vine crops you mentioned I think are best grown in containers rather than the ground and given something to climb or ramble on like a deck railing. If you place the containers near where you hang out the plants are much less likely than those 'in the back' to be done in by pests and diseases you don't notice until you just see a shriveled vine.

Whiskey barrels are terrific containers for large crops like those although you can certainly go smaller if you increase the frequency you water and feed. There are half size barrels that look like whiskey barrels, but they are just made from cedar for containers, not actual recycled from other uses. These are also a great size and take up less room and look terrific just about anywhere.
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