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Old August 2, 2012   #7
Boutique Tomatoes
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Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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Originally Posted by Granite26 View Post
Agree with Carol. I used to grow some of the really small ones but found it wasn't worth the time picking to sell. Could never get the $ to make them worth it. Pain to pick and you had to handle them with care. Been there...done thanks.
Were you selling direct to the public or to restaurants? I've got several upscale restaurants in the area where I might be able to get a premium for them. Figuring there are likely going to be 100+ in a pint if they can keep the staff from snacking on them that's a small per plate expense for a unique garnish.

I know putting them out at a farmers market at 2-3 x the cost of a pint of cherries they are unlikely to sell unless you have someone planning a party they want to use them for.
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