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Old August 27, 2012   #71
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Originally Posted by lakelady View Post
So Ray, how did the tomatos fare during the summer having had those wonderful roots to start off? Did you notice any differences in growth and production?
Well, I have had plenty of tomatoes but it's hard to judge growth and production in drought conditions since all my tomatoes are in-ground. Brandywine like some other larger varieties don't seem to thrive growth wise in such conditions, but they did have very good fruit set on smaller plants. Trying to keep up with watering has been a nightmare. The water table is usually pretty high here, but when my big Crimson Maple tree which is close to the garden starts dropping crispy brown leaves in the middle of summer, it sort of tells you there isn't enough water reserves down there.

The peppers on the other hand, both in-ground and in containers have done fantastic, both Chinese Giant and Hungarian Hot Wax from the DE experiment are all totally healthy and more productive than in previous years from those varieties.
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