Thread: Fall beans
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Old August 29, 2012   #13
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Indiana
Posts: 15

Over watering plus heat can certainly be reasons for lack of germination. I lost most of a tray of beans indoor because I over watered them! They just drowned and fermented in the sun.

Overall, I have had great success starting beans indoors. I regularily start beans indoors..mainly those of which I have only a few seeds of...or that are not very heat tolerant like some half runners (runner Cannellini beans for example) and need a head start before the heat hits.

I usually direct sow my fall beans...but then I don't have the bird trying to steel my beans. They usually settle for raiding my corn seeds in the about a pain. There are two fields that I literally have to transplant corn in as the crows will eat almost ever seed that I sow....those fields both are close the forest line and I suspect the crows just hang out there and wait until I am doing planting..and then emerge for the raid.

What are everyone's favorite Fall beans..any that seem to really thrive in the Fall? I dont mean to hijack this thread...but since we are talking about Fall beans, I thought that i would ask. Mods feel free to tell me to start a new thread

Previously I have just done succession plantings of pole beans in Spring and early summer...the latest planting often lasting through September and even into early October. This is the first year that I have planted beans in late August. I only did a small planting of Aunt Rhody bush beans for my sister since I saved too many for seed from the Spring plantings and she did not get enough for eating!

Next year I might do a larger planting..and of different varieties.
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