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Old September 15, 2012   #2
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Interesting review, thanks! I grew Rattlesnake and Chinese Red Noodle for the first time this year. Both were planted later in the season than they should have been, but I got beans from both. The CRN beans were very slow to grow, but sure have an interesting arrangement, such different leaves, with the two pods per flower stem. I liked them in stir fries, nice flavor, but just about the time the main crop of pods were growing out, the leaves began to yellow and crumble, despite extra water and fert. Not sure if it was disease or just dried out too much in our drought while I was away from home. I am letting the existing beans dry on the vine for seed, so produced only enough for a few meals.

The Rattlesnake produced well, but since it was planted later than my other beans, I was "beaned out" by my overflow of Fortex and various bush beans, no more room in the freezer, so what I didn't give away, was also let to go to seed. I know I must have eaten some, but honestly don't remember how I rated them.

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