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Old September 15, 2012   #4
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Thanks for your review, habitat_gardener! I grew quite a few pole bean varieties this year as I just started trying them recently. Rattlesnake was my favorite last year and again this year, but it produced more last season. In my case it could have been a location/shade/water-related issue, so I'll definitely be growing them again.

You mentioned sweet taste when raw- did you notice that any of the beans retained any sweetness after steaming/cooking?

Also, if you don't mind me asking, I was wondering if you (or anyone else) has a favorite pole bean for canning? I'm toying with the idea of getting a pressure canner but I'm thinking that maybe bush beans might be better for that because of the way they ripen and because I don't plant more than 15' of pole beans. Provider has been my favorite bush bean despite many years of trials and I did read that it's good for canning and freezing.


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