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Old October 9, 2012   #9
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: California, USA
Posts: 154

Thanks for all the ideas everyone!

So my BIL makes these veggie smoothies for his health, his doctor put him on a strict diet because of heart and diabetes problems. He can't have much salt anymore, so he's been adding a few of my other peppers (jalapenos, padrons, sweet heat, thai dragon and long cayenne's ) to the smoothies to give some kick to all the kale and other veggie juices.

Yesterday he took two red ripe ghosts even with all the warnings from us. He was undaunted, signed the waiver, and took them home. The report was that half a pepper would have been enough for 4 smoothies, and it was the hottest he'd ever had, but not as bad as he thought and he's still alive! lol!

But they may also not be as bad as they could be, because I've really babied these pepper plants and they only get 3/4 a day of sun (but it's still very warm in their area even in the shade). Lots of water too. Maybe because of that, none of them are really, really hot. I've been able to eat the jalapenos and even the long cayenne's right off the plant, crunching away on them as I water. (as long as I don't eat the seeds)

Anyway, I do have several friends who love reeeeally hot peppers, so I think I'll let the Ghosts get red ripe and dry them for powder and do the Christmas gift thing. Thanks again all!
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