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Old October 25, 2012   #65
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Originally Posted by Redbaron View Post
We ate squirrel as children. I don't see why you think it is so strange. Dad even had a squirrel dog. (not a breed, but a rare trait in hounds that makes them both sight and scent hunters) He was offered 800 dollars in the 1960's for that dog named Bobo. He wasn't even a pure bred, but he was the best squirrel dog anyone had ever seen.

Personally I don't eat squirrel now. Haven't for years. But there is nothing fundamentally wrong with eating squirrel. Just because squirrel is a rodent? So what? Rabbits are rodents too!
The only reason I have a problem with eating wild squirrels around here is that they've been tested positive for a number of viruses. The reason I mentioned rabbit is I can get them "farmed"....or from a friend who traps all sorts of "rodents" up north, where there is less issues of viruses (or so I'm told).

I don't think its strange to eat rodents, many people do. I've had squirrel before, along with allot of stuff that many people would consider verrrrrrrry strange.

I posted the recipe because I found it amusing...and also I had a hard time with the combo of ingredients. But hey....that's just me.
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