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Old October 30, 2012   #18
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Originally Posted by MarinaRussian View Post
Carolyn, maybe we're talking about two different varieties. There's a Russian seed vendor, who sells a variety Kubinskiy Pertsevidniy Cherniy (Cuban Pepper-like Black) and it's a black pepper-shaped tomato.

Here's a link to his site, but it's in Russian


I e-mailed you the seed vendor's picture of Pink Flamingo, earlier this year. It showed both hearts and plums on the same plant and I asked you if that was possible, remember?

My Rozoviy Flamingos were pink, from same seeds that I sent to you. See the picture below. The tomato, with a hole in it, is a fat plum. The other two are hearts.
Marina, I sure do remember the picture of Pink Flamingo and I know you got mainly pink hearts, but your original seeds sent to Shoe gave something quite different. I downloaded his pictures of Pink Flamingo but I think it's best if I just forward Shoe's e-mail to me with the attachment so you can see what he got. He wasn't growing anything like that so it's not a mistake.

I'll also forward to you the e-mail from Tania, she's given me permission to do so, the three sources she found for Pink Flamingo and the one source was identical to what Shoe's picture showed.

Cuban Pepper Shaped Black? I don't know where the cuban came from but I'm wondering if it's the same or similar to Black Icicle, which is also a long pepper shaped one offered at Baker Creek and here's Tania's page for that one:

I've seen the picture of it at Baker Creek and while Tania called it a plum the picture, as I recall, showed a somewhat long black kind of pepper shaped fruit.

I also checked Tania's site for the Kubinskyi one but she doesn't list it.

From the experiences I've been through with both Pink Flamingo and Pood, it looks like it's a toss up as to what one will get from different seed vendors for the same variety.

I'll forward those e-mails and attachments to you when I have time b'c right now I have a deadline to meet for submitting my listings for the 2013 SSE YEarbook, which is next Monday. I still have to inventory my seeds to see how many seeds I have left and if I can SSE lsit them or just list them for my seed offer here. And I still don't have feedback on several important varieties that Neil L, who also did some seed production for me as to what seeds he got. But he lsits hundreds so I'm not going to bother him now.

Why you got mainly pink hearts for Pink Flamingo and Shoe didn't is a bit of a mystery to me, but I do remember that one of the Russian vendors did who it as a heart, the two others did not, and what Shoe got matched completely what one of the other vendors listed for Pink Flamingo.

How I wish I could read Russian b'c when I went to that site you linked to I knew enough to look for what I call a Russian letter that looks like a greek P, lloking for it, but then I got lost.

It's still on my list to try and learn enough to be able to at least read variety names on a seed pack.

And if I haven't linked to this before, for you, I will now, just so you can laugh a bit:

And if I have linked to it before, I apologize.
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