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Old November 4, 2012   #2
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Wow! $100 for just naming must have been a small fortune in 1941 - funny that five people came up with the same name - wonder whatever became of Table Talk? I see it is still listed annually by one or two on SSE. Might be worth a try. After checking again, I saw it used to be offered annually by Glenn Drowns through the SSE yearbook, but I don't see it on the SandHill website.

The third picture reminds me of when I used to make a 3x5 card file of all my vegetables and flowers. Back in the early 90's I would cut out the picture from the seed catalog, paste it on the card and write annual comments on it. I still have the alphabetical file, and some of the tomatoes in there I don't even remember growing. I wish I had kept it up, really a quick way to store info, and such fun to look at the old seed catalog pictures. I have a couple of the smaller library card catalog drawer units that libraries discarded when they went online to keep my cards in. I'm so bad at taking the time to fill in spread sheets on a computer, that maybe I should just go back to the card file!


Last edited by ddsack; November 4, 2012 at 12:38 AM.
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