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Old November 4, 2012   #27
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Originally Posted by MarinaRussian View Post
The only way to find out, if these are all the same or not, is to grow the Black Pepper, Kubinskiy Pertsevidniy and what I have as "Snickers", and compare them.

I don't have anything to add to the history or the origin part.
I agree Marina, all in the same season.

Well I'm going to try to look inot this Marina since I love a good history background.

Iva, I recognized the name Hristo, Googled it and found him at Bishop's site and he's from Bulgaria. Could you contact him and ask where he got the seeds from?

Willy grew it, seeds from Baker Creek but they never kept offering it, probably b/c they couldn't get a good background either and he grew it in Feb of 2011.

Then we've got what Annanet posted originally and about the same time she posted the same at GW with no answers other than heather recently asking about it.

So here's what Annanet said:

I just received a Black Pepper tomato plant from a friend of mine in New York (I am in Michigan). She received seeds from her Pastor that his Mom grows the seeds and has for many years. Their family came over from Italy in the 70's. I cannot find any info on this variety via online searches. I asked a fellow gardener/coworker if he had heard of this and he said he knows a guy that received a plant from a guy at his church. The man was a missionary in Tanzania for quite some time. The Pastor in NY also did missionary work but the seeds were from his Mother. Just a REALLY strange coinsidence!

So she got seeds from someone in NY whose family brought them over from Italy in the 70's. And she got them named as Black Pepper Tomato, in English. I doubt she would have renamed them from Italian or some other language.

So how do we get from Italy to Bulgaria, possibly Hristo, and also to Russia with a Russian name? And who sent the seeds to Baker Creek where they also listed it as Black Pepper Tomato, in English. And if the Russian name does translate out to Cuba, where does that play a role?

Any ideas about the above? Maybe wait until Iva can contact Hristo?

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