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Old November 16, 2012   #16
Cole_Robbie's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Illinois, zone 6
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I have learned that there is never any money in doing the same thing that everyone else is doing. My focus right now is on high tunnel produce to sell in April and May. Once late June arrives, outdoor gardens are producing, and everyone has a full table of produce.

My family has had the best luck in the late summer by growing crops other people simply don't want to because of the extra work and hassle. Our green beans are the best, because we have a small, tender variety called "strike." Everyone else grows blue lake, because they yield a lot more. Usually, if picking a crop is an excruciatingly back-breaking endeavor, that crop will sell. Okra (it's itchy), yellow wax beans and purple-hull peas always sell.
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