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Old November 27, 2012   #18
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Location: Illinois, zone 6
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My commercial pick right now would be Sunshine F1 from Seminis. But what stinks is that I only want about 100 seeds, yet the smallest quantity I can find is 500 from Harris for an eye-popping $38.50.
I just looked at tomato grower's supply, and they at least sell small quantities. The early red determinates they offer which interest me are:

Better Bush
Bush Beefsteak
Bush Early Girl
New Yorker
Oregon Spring
Red Rocket
Sugar Baby

I had Bush Early Girl last year. I did not realize that it is a determinate.

Territorial has 'Beaverlodge' which I had great luck with outdoors and might try in containers as well. They say it's a 55-day determinate with "compact growth," but it seems like my plants got gigantic last summer and resembled a sprawling indeterminate.

If anyone has input on anything from the TGS list above, that would be great. I'd also love to hear from anyone who's grown the Sunshine F1. It's supposed to be from the "sunrise" family.
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