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Old December 15, 2012   #9
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greenthumbomaha ... I'm familiar with the lights. The ViaVolt 4 ft. 4-Bulb T5 High Output Fluorescent Grow Light Fixture (with 6500K 54w bulbs), is almost exactly what I use, except I made my own with some custom reflectors. The $138 price is a deal for what you're getting. Just be careful of the K-value of the bulbs. It seems that some ViaVolt lights have 5000K and others 6500K bulbs.

Here's what I use. It cost me $90 for 20,000 lumen for a 216-watt 4-tube 24"x48" growlight with what I consider the optimum spectrum for starting plants inside. I use (3) T5 54-watt 6500K 5000 lumens fluorescent tube and (1) T5 54-watt 3000K 5000 lumens fluorescent tube . The cost of the 4 bulbs is $39.80 ($9.95 each). This gives me 20,000 lumens and an effective coverage of 30" x 50". I used a standard 24"x48" 4-tube T-5 fixture. I got a bunch of 4-bulb fixtures on Freecycle and I swapped out the ballasts for 54 watt .

If I was using 2-bulb units I'd use two 6500K tubes. Keep in mind that a 5000 lumen bulb is the output in all directions. Even with good reflectors you can't get better than 2000 lumen directed toward your plant. I'm pumping about 7,000 lumen from my 4-bulb 20,000 lumen light onto my 4 trays (6" distance), which is 6.1 lumen per square inch. Noon Sun on a clear day projects 22 lumen per square inch, and 2.3 lumen/sq-in on a overcast day.

Last edited by Hotwired; December 15, 2012 at 11:47 AM.
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