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Old December 26, 2012   #18
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Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 614

I found Actinovate locally last Friday at a hydroponics store. Finally had a chance to mix up a small amount of it today and sprayed it on all the foliage of my plants.

I happened to notice that Ray N. said he couldnt find it locally. That was three years ago, but Ray, if you happen to read this, I see there is a hydroponics store with several locations in the Bay Area, most of them north of you, but shows they are $16 for the 2 oz size, and if you can save the shipping, it's better than the $30 you mentioned a while back.

I'm uncertain about how to do a soil drench on plants that have been planted out. Just soak the ground around the stem, or does it have to be applied directly to the root when planted?
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