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Old December 28, 2012   #49
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Originally Posted by eatmoreyeah View Post
For me-

It has to be Paul Robeson and Prudens Purple.

This Spring Paul Robeson produced it's first ripe fruit 7 days after Stupice (53 days). They were in the range of 5-18 oz fruit, with the majority in the 8-10 ounce range. For me they produced very uniform fruit and were never mealy or mushy like so many purple/black fruit I've tried in the past. It's also got to be one of the better producers for me of the purple/black tomatoes. They did even better this fall and seemed to like the cooler weather.

Prudens Purple is another old time favorite for me. For such a decent size mater it always is one of the first to ripen (65-70 days). Vigorous plants that don't slow down when a lot of the others start to peeter out. Very good yield of 12-16 ounce fruit with good flavor and texture. It always has a spot in my patch.
For me, Prudens Purple falls into that category of "excellent tomatos that most people have forgotten about". It's similar too Mortgage Lifter which is also a great tomato, but many people seem to say " I grew that once and it was good". There are a lot of tomatoes that once had their moment in the spotlight, but have fallen into the background.

I grow it most years, and as you said; it is pretty early for me as well. It also produced well and tasted great. It was also the last large tomato I picked this fall before the first frost.

I think it belongs in the category of "dependable" for those gardeners who simply want some tomatoes which are large, attractive, plentiful, and tasty.

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