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Old January 4, 2013   #77
Boutique Tomatoes
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Northeast Wisconsin, Zone 5a
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I've trialed a lot of the cold tolerant varieties mentioned trying to deal with the weather fluctuations we see here in the spring. (Bower, I know I've grown both Cold Set and Siletz; I'll check to see if I still have seeds if you like.)

I'm impressed with what I'm reading so far and thanks to Dar for sharing the plans and thought process with everyone. I grinned as I read through thinking that Dar in Alabama will be working on cold tolerance while I'm in northern Wisconsin and am interested in tropical varieties.

I am curious about the jointless pedicel as I seem to recall seeing that mentioned in a number of breeding discussions recently. This isn't something mentioned in variety descriptions, is it something typically found in modern hybrids?
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