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Old January 6, 2013   #319
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Originally Posted by Calcat36 View Post

Personally, I do not believe the organic hype. Simply because of the water that gives life to everything. Rain water has the '80's stigma of "acid rain" so, unless the plants are provided distilled and sterile water, grown in a sterile environment, true "organic" cannot be achieved due to many environmental impurities. Including air! We are told that we are horrible air polluters! And isn't Carbon Dioxide a "green house gas" that will kill all of us? Yet plants thrive on it and convert it into.... OXYGEN! And how do you know the "organic" fertilizers used to grow crops, (I use fish ferts) are truly organic? There is a HUGE mercury in seafood threat out there due to our polluted oceans, so we are told.

GMO's on the other hand.... NO WAY! But the problem here is with the vendor who would never disclose where he got what from and misrepresents his/her product for financial gain. I'm sure I'll take some heat for this post, but it is just my humble two cents.

I am the exact opposite as you actually. I grow everything as organic as possible and while I can't stop pollution, at least I know I am not adding to the problem.

I don't use GMO's either, but theoretically in some future date, if someone actually made a safe GMO that actually was useful and managed to get it approved for organic farming. Then sure I would use it. Right now it seems most GMO's are just made to prop up a failing conventional AG model. They are meaningless to the way I grow. Why would I need a glyphosate resistant mutagen crop that lets me use round-up, when organic growers don't use herbicides anyway? Why would I grow a Bt transgenic, when I can use the real Bacillus thuringiensis?

I am not completely convinced GMO's are safe, but I am pretty sure at the rate technology is growing, one day they will be completely safe. But right now? Who cares? Not me. Nothing GMO's can offer me right now. Certainly not until they become so common and safe that they get developed and approved for organic farming. I don't see that happening any time soon.

AKA The Redbaron

"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted & thoughtful observation rather than protracted & thoughtless labour; & of looking at plants & animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single-product system."
Bill Mollison
co-founder of permaculture

Last edited by Redbaron; January 6, 2013 at 09:03 PM.
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