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Old January 23, 2013   #1
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Default CRANS 2013 Island Garden

Well its getting to be that time again. I will be using this thread throughout the season to document my different successes and failures.

I have been working hard to prep everything for the seedlings that will be going in this weekend. I had to remove my old beds due to having the fence replaced, but it gave me an excuse to build two more out of redwood fence posts. I have the cost down to $15 for a 6x3x1 bed.

Here is the blank slate that we will be painting with natures colors.

Now that you have a idea of the space, here is the plan I drafted up using free garden planner. Its an amazing little app and I will be using it each season from now on. Its a work in progress but I think I'm happy with it.

Part of the craziness is me trying a few new things this season and others are carry overs from last season. One thing I'm attempting to do is continued planting of certain varieties throughout the season, (lettuce, spinach etc)

-I will be running a CRW arch trellis between the two back beds. I am hopping the cucumbers will crawl over it.

-The peas and beans in the bed will be grown using a 6ft vertical trellis.

-I will be running drip tape for the first time, and only on the raised beds. I will hand water all the pots and border plants.

Here is the list of varieties I'll be growing as of now, of which many are a first:

Blue Lake Pole Bean

Stowell's Evergreen
Blue Jade

Mexican Sour Gherkin
Japanese Climbing

Listada de Gandia
Lao Purple Stripe

SSE Lettuce Mixture
Green Oakleaf

Small Shining

British Wonder
Amish Snap

Thai Hot
Aji Crystal
Jimmy Nardello's
Marconi Red
Chervena Chushka

Red Malabar

Cocozelle Summer Squash
Black Beauty Zucchini

Black from Tula
Black Krim
Gold Rush Currnt
Green Grape
Dwarf Mr. Snow
Dwarf Beryl Beauty
Rosella Purple

Giant Greystripe
Velvet Queen
Sunflower Annual
Sunflower Mexican

A few 3 season old strawberry plants I keep replicating

Some more:

Now a shot within my first attempt at a little under cover gardening. I was able to sprout my lettuce and keep the strawberry daughters happy with some warmth. Notice the temp was getting just a bit high and outside temps were only 65.

I've never actually grown lettuce so I was excited when these came up and I got them repositioned in rows. I cant wait to start trimming some yummy leafs.

Oh but we cant forget one of my pet Widows...
This is Bellatrix, she does not like sow bugs or crickets. But loves hanging upside down and scaring me when i'm cleaning my shed. I've killed 6 other widows last week.

I will update more as i go. I'm cleaning my Germination tent tonight and will get eveything ready to setup this weekend. The first round is going to be Lettuce, Spinach and Peas.

Thanks for looking!

Last edited by Crandrew; January 23, 2013 at 12:48 PM.
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