Thread: Fertilizer
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Old February 15, 2013   #38
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Originally Posted by Sun City Linda View Post
What tomatoes produce well for you Carolyn?
Linda, For the last 5 years I have grown celebrity (as a main crop) since it bears well and transports decently, but the last two years were extreme weather gardening ( on both ends of the weather spectrum) and both years were not real great crops. We had those an different places each year, too. This year I am growing less of those and replacing them with Ultra Sonic. The other main producer I have people asking for is a variety called Ultra Pink from Stokes. A nice sized (not giant 1-2 lb) 8-12oz. tomato. My FIL started growing it after it was introduced to replace some other pink tomato they marketed and it is a good tomato, but not really disease resistant. I plan to try grafting this one this year (new project for me, I have never grafted anything) and see if it is a better grower for us. The least little bit of rain and it seems to get early blight. I was asking elsewhere about a nice pink tomato, and got directed to this site (which I have learned and appreciate so much, thanks everyone!), that was easier to grow and was similar to the U.Pink in size.
isis candy (which didn't earn it's remake list this year),
early goliath,
4th of July,
sunny goliath,
choc. cherry,
tomatoberry (very expensive trial, really)
a few heirlooms that, so far, haven't impressed me, so I have a huge new grow list for this year. Then I fill a24x48 greenhouse with flats of bedding plants to sell from the house. So, I can grow many more varieties than I do, but we don't eat that many of them so we grow mainly what sells well.

Originally Posted by Redbaron View Post
Well Carolyn,
I see you have your system. And I apologize if I sounded critical. I didn't mean to come off that way.
No offense taken,

I just wanted to explain why I can't do it all or even close to much in an organic way. I hope I didn't "over justify" my methods in the same respect. I know I haven't shared many details here on what I do. From March to October I grow for 4 farmers markets a week. There are 3 high tunnels 16x32' and 3 greenhouses in various sizes that I grow in, I work 6 days a week at least 12 hours a day trying to keep up and do it efficiently and well, too. I have much more to learn and I probably will never know a fraction of what others here do. I am amazed at the biological knowledge some of the members here have to offer. It makes me feel very inadequate to offer much.
carolyn k
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