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Old February 15, 2013   #11
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Evansville, IN
Posts: 2,984

As I said, apparently in another thread which I cannot find right this minute, I fully intend to clear up a few issues that have appeared on the section where my seeds were intended to be sold. This also applies to the "new for 2013" issues, where someone might mistake my still segregating and recombining germplasm as "heirlooms" which they definitely are not ... yet. The particular issues seem to have occurred due to cross communications during a period of time when the lady who owns the site and myself, independently, were going through some life changes such as retirement and vacating an office I had occupied for over two decades, and she in the process of a home sale, farm sale, operational move, and reestablishment at a new and distant location.

I'm not asking for a pass, nor am I attempting a lame excuse. Corrections need to be made. They will be made. Give it a little time. It may not clear up all issues that everyone has. I intend that it will clear up any issues that anyone legitimately has with my end of it. I want it to be crystal clear what someone is getting when they get seeds that I have produced. Right now, it will take a while for me to get all the text prepared due to projects that take priority here at home right now.

Edit: Mark, if you explore the NCSU seed lines farther, you'll also notice the use of Blazer F1 as a parent in the pedigree of breeding lines, and the use of Amelia F1 as a source, after several generations, of 3 of NCSU's TSWV-resistant breeding lines.

With regard to "not being a nice thing to do," all I can say is that I try my best to carefully select parental inputs so that I have a fairly decent idea of what to expect in the F3 and subsequent filial generations. I try to explain what to expect when someone grows out my F3 and subsequent filial generations, and to make careful observations when selecting what will serve them better.

Also, I have repeatedly told people to plant all the seeds and closely observe the young plants, weeding out the inferior recombinations. This was made most clear to me when developing Big Cheef, which for several generations threw more weak and floppy sibling plants than strong and productive plants. I had to destroy many plants, saving only the best before I finally arrived at a fantastic line. I don't even know the second parent in Big Cheef, because I got the F2 seeds from another member of Tomatoville, many years ago. But after that experience, I try my best to pick two parents that will throw what I predict will be superior results in the F3 and beyond. I mean as best I can as a learn-as-I-go, hobby breeder :::smile:::

That's it from my end of it. As I said earlier. You may contact me at my email address if you need clarification of other issues with regard to my seeds and my methods.

Enjoy your 2013 gardens, good health and prosperity.


Bill Jeffers

Last edited by travis; February 15, 2013 at 07:14 PM.
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