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Old February 24, 2013   #62
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 317

I LIKE Spam-and-tomato sandwiches...

Planting dates are so iffy around here. Inevitably, the years you wait until March 3 to plant, the last frost will have been last week in January. And the next year, when you put out plants on Valentine's Day, you get a frost on March 1. I'm hedging my bets this year by staggering my plantings. Some went in last weekend, some went in yesterday, and some are going to wait until March 5. The peppers and eggplants are probably going to wait until Spring Break, though.

All that to say that I wouldn't get them all into the ground at once. And a late March frost is going to be a pain, no matter what. IIRC about four years ago we had a freeze hit around March 25, and there I was with 2' tall plants needing covering.
There is no logical response to the question, "Why won't you let me plant more tomatoes?"
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