Thread: Kefir
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Old March 15, 2013   #27
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Romania
Posts: 7

Tania is right, the kefir bacteria is in form of cauliflower and it multiplies in time, it has to be divided from time to time. In fact, the bacteria is not the grains , but it lives inside those grains, the cauliflower. The bacteria lives in milk casein, that is the cauliflower, milk casein separated by the bacteria in the process of making kefir.
The best moment to consume kefir is when it is thick as yougurt but not separated, when it has not too much acid in it. When separated, it is too acidic ande it can cause problems with the stomach. All dairy products that are fermented by a bacte ria can be left to ferment too long and separate-yougurt, sourmilk, etc, but all a bestr consumed when creamy.
The kefir that has. No cassein grains is not the proper one, as it is specific to this bacteria to produce casein in the process of fermentation.
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