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Old March 21, 2013   #111
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Czech history of tomato Stupice
About tomato Stupice is writing in book plodové vegetable (authoršek Vlček CSc. And col.) 1968. Author was expert from VÚZ Olomouc.
Stupické polní rané (Stupice field early or Stupice) is origin cs (Czechoslovak) variete permit granted in the year 1955; It come as selection from crossing (Mikádo x Sláva Porýní x Solanum racemigerum).It is semi-high size, leafs type mikado, big. Fruits are little as far as medium, round, flat, abortive with green stripes around the crater. It is very early. Plant indeterminante. First fruits are costated often.
Stupické skleníkové (green-house) ) is origin cs (Czechoslovak) variete permit granted in the year 1954;It come selection from the same crossing.It is high, with long interoidiums, leafs type mikado, big. Fruits are flat, round heart shaped, abortive with green stripes around the crater, resistan against the cracking enough. It diferen from Stupice by lower number chambers in the fruit.
Where:Tomato Stupice was select in State cultivation concern (name is not interesting- all companies was state in Czechoslovakia- any private), on farm Stupice (Stupice is small village near Prague.After year 1989 State cultivation concern was privatisated- three subjects: Sempra (Prague) have among others farm Stupice, moravian firms Seva Flora (Valtice) and Moravoseed (Mikulov) have among others title to tomato Stupice. Firms, which have title to tomato, plant tomatoes under control of ÚKZUZ on discrete areas (min 100 m from others tomatoes).Dry seeds get after test of germination power certicate and number, which is on every packet of seeds. It cirkulates about fifty years. I know, that it is doing overall.
It is all what I know about tomato Stupice today.But I have the invitation to ÚKZUZ (e-mail 18. 3. 2013, 9:52:41):
Vážený pane,
Máme archivovány listiny povolených odrůd od roku 1950, první odrůdy rajčat jsou zapsány ve Státní odrůdové knize od roku 1952 resp. 1954 a 1955 a stále v ní figurují. Navrhovala bych Vám , abyste mě kontaktoval dle níže uvedených informací, raději ale na mobil. Domluvíme se na termínu a mohl byste si staré listiny okopírovat. Ostatní aktuální seznamy odrůd najdete na webu ÚKZÚZ.

S pozdravem,

Ing. Věra Řičicová
RS pro cibuloviny, plodovou zeleninu
a zahradní luskoviny
Expert for DUS Testing of Vegetable¨

Translate to English:
We have archives papers of granted varietes from 1950 year, first varietes of tomatoes are
booked in State varietes book from year 1952 resp. 1954,1955 and still they are in it.
Contact me by mobile…….You can old pappers copy.
That all today
PS.:I bought three pakets of seeds tomato Stupice yesterday. If somebody have interest, I can post its (of course gratis)
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