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Old March 21, 2013   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Virginia, USA
Posts: 167
Default Considering a simple project.

I am going to be growing all my Big Beefs, 6 of them, in a 4x8 raised bed this year. Last year I did some in 18 gallon containers but I really liked how the 4 I planted in the raised bed did.

I currently have a 3/4 EMT conduit frame the length of the bed at about 7 feet tall that I use to support plants with strong string and tomato clips and I really like that method. So simple but very strong.

Anyway, I am going to add another conduit frame for the second row of 3 tomatoes and was thinking I could drape plastic over the two frames, weigh the ends down, and then drape plastic over the sides making a type of greenhouse and I could plant earlier.

I would be able to raise an end or both ends to allow air flow on warmer days and just remove the whole works when it gets warm enough.

Anyone tried anything like this? Any idea of how much earlier I could plant?

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