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Old March 27, 2013   #212
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I have also had many of the EarthTainer I Rubbermaid containers develop cracks due to UV exposure over time. There is little you can do to repair them when this happens. That is why I recommend wrapping them in a bamboo "skirt". You can simply replace the outer shell with a new container when you start to see the cracking happening. Unfortunately, this is not viable mid-season when you have active plants growing.

The new EarthTainer 3 uses the Lowes Centrex container which has a lifetime guarantee against cracking. (I realize this does you little good at the moment.) For the duration of the Season, I would just top water the plants in that one container - the potting mix retains a good deal of moisture so you may need to top water only every few days.

Time for you to build some new EarthTainer 3's with their removable cage system - really makes clean-out and Winter storage very simple.

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