Thread: Raspberries!
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Old April 5, 2013   #22
lakelady's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
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I have wild black raspberries all over the place. Every year I find new canes coming up around my yard thanks to the birds lol. Actually, I think it is chipmunks. I have on plant I moved to one side of the house, and tended to last year and the year before. The year before it got a few berries but I never got any. Last year it was loaded with flowers and berries that turned red but were sour. I covered it really well with reemay. The day I knew they would be ready, I went outside, and lo and behold, found a chipmunk stuck like the dickens trying like mad to escape when he saw me. I felt kinda sorry for the little guy, but man, he ate EVERY SINGLE BERRY. It was probably a good size bowl full.

My brother in law gave me a hunk of his grandfather's berry bush, which is bushy, not canes like the wild one. I never got any of those either thanks to the munks. I have to figure out how to keep them out, they are like rats and eat tomatoes too. very big problem here.

Good luck with your Berries Ted!
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