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Old February 19, 2006   #1
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Default BLT's and Tomato Sandwiches

I've been waiting for someone to start this thread, but since no one did I thought I'd get the ball rolling, and give sandwiches their own special thread.

A good BLT is a big thing for all tomato lovers. As simple as it sounds, there are still many different ways to make a BLT and other tomato sandwiches. All sorts of fresh bread to use, toasted bread, just plain tomato on toast, many different spreads and dressings, some store bought, some home made, and all sorts of other ways to make and enjoy a tomato sandwich. I especially like seeing the international scoop on such things. Maybe we can discover a true and unique favorite here, and name our own tomato sandwich!

All I know how to do right now is the regular old way. I'm sure many of you have some great recipes. Can't wait to see em.

Zone 7B, N. MS
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