Thread: Going Organic
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Old May 14, 2013   #22
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
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Originally Posted by ErieDeare View Post
When it comes to weeds what do you do to keep them under control or do you use a per-emerge like Preen?

When coming to alfalfa pellets what is the smallest bag you can get? What does it cost?
Here is a BIG QUESTION how do you keep
I LOVE to pull weeds, especially bermuda grass. I got another community garden plot that's infested with bermuda, and surrounded by bermuda-infested paths, and I'm enjoying pulling it all (ha!) out. I wear gloves and use a hori hori or similar tool. If past experience holds true, the time I spend weeding now will ensure that I won't be constantly battling bermuda grass for years when the plot is fully planted.

In my more established gardens, I like to encourage self-seeders, so I've learned to recognize the plants I like and distinguish them from weeds when they first emerge and are no more than a quarter-inch high. They're much easier to weed when they're small!

The local pet store where I get my alfalfa pellets sells only one size: 50 lbs. for about $22 with tax. I store it in containers with lids. I need to store it outdoors, so I make sure the containers are watertight. I had a leaky lid one winter and either added the bucketful of alfalfa sludge to the soil or composted it.
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