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Old May 17, 2013   #197
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Plantation, Florida zone 10
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Originally Posted by pilgrimfive View Post
Lee, this year we replaced all the mix in our seven Earth Boxes and I made a few more containers from Firehouse's pickle buckets. This morning I noticed much spotting (see attch) and dying leaves, mostly around the base of the plants. It looks like TSWV, but would want confirmation before pulling the plants...and I have not noticed any Thrips.

The plants were doing well and the onset of this has been very quick. Of the five boxes in the back yard, all of them demonstrate this, some to a greater degree than others. The plants geographically separated on the side house do not as of yet show any signs.

I would appreciate any advise as this year we have invested much time and resources to redoing our garden...and now I'm...heart broken that this will devastate our crop!

Is there yet hope?

Thanks in advance,

Devastated in Texas,


Looks more like Septoria to me, if so in my garden Daconil wasn't as helpful, but liquid copper fungicide did the trick immediately. Douse it under and over the leaves thoroughly, and coat the stem too. Don't use more than 2 teaspoons per gallon or the new growth will be temporarily deformed, and don't forget to spray only early AM or Late afternoon so the leaves coated won't fry in the sun. it's considered organic, but is a metal.
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