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Old May 20, 2013   #8
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Originally Posted by Keger View Post
Like I said, if the world was perfect that's what I would do.

We had cool weather up until a week ago that knocked everything back, and now its turned off 95 with a hot south wind.

I am only asking for ideas, as it's tough down here for tomatoes.

I'm so close to doing peppers, okra, peas, melons, eggplant and cukes. Not because I want to, but you can grow them much less expensively and you actually have stuff to sell.

I cant keep dedicating space for product that yields 40% or so of marketable stuff.
Keger, I would also suggest a floating row cover over the plants. It will help keep the plants cooler and not quite so stressed. I just put white woven floating row cover right on top of the plants. If you can do an arch over the plants, great, but if not at least try to shade them with it anyway you can. peg it pin it or weight it down (we buy "ground cover" fabric bags from a supplier that we just fill with rocks from the garden and weight the covers down so they can't blow away.
carolyn k
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