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Old May 24, 2013   #41
Got Worms?
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: NY Zone 5b/6a
Posts: 546

Hi John, glad to see you're getting things under control.
I just thought I'd poke my nose in here to give you a little tip about P.H. management. First let me say that I am confident that, with the help you are getting here, you should have a pretty nice garden in no time.

RebelRidin, nice link, and excellent advice. Waiting until fall for the second application is the best plan. Another PH test at that time will confirm the amount of sulfur to be added, if any.

Since PH is constantly changing (towards it's norm for the area; mine being a native 5.5 here in NY) and knowing that a 6.5 is an optimum PH to keep most nutrients from becoming locked up, having a garden soil PH of 6.83, I will do nothing this year and wait for it to reach 6.3 or less on it's own way down toward 5.5 again and this will take quite some time. At the point when it reaches 6.3-6.2 I'll apply enough lime (preferably in a fall season) to boost the PH back up to 6.7-6.8.

Optimum is good to get you started, but it's the "range" (6.3-6.7) that keeps you on top of things. Shoot for target, find out where you are, control the range. Also you must remember to take into consideration other additions (everything has a PH) like peat moss (acidic), wood ashes (alkaline), etc.

West of the lime line, where the soil is mostly alkaline, it's a mirror image story.

Good luck, and take more pictures. Especially when those
Jersey tamaters start swelling up. Mmm.
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