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Old June 2, 2013   #50
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: San Diego
Posts: 1,255

Lyn, thanks for the input and the heads-up on Zolotoe Serdtse. I did notice some yellow inside the canopy of ZS plants, so it looks like I'll spend today going through all of my determinates and thinning out some of the foliage for added air flow and yellow leaf removal.

Naysen, I bought a 50 lb. bag of 'Thiolux' about 10 years ago. I will be using the last of it tonight when I spray, so I will also be in the market for a 'micronized sprayable sulfur'. If you happen to find a suitable/similar product, in a smaller quantity, please post.

One thing I can never figure out when I spray sulfur: Instructions usually say something like "do not spray when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees" but some instructions say "if the temperature is expected to exceed 90 degrees". The second seems to imply you can't use sulfur if the temperature is going to exceed 90 during the next several days and would effectively eliminate the use of sulfur during the summer. If anyone knows the correct interpretation as it applies to tomatoes I would appreciate it.

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