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Old June 2, 2013   #57
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Montenegro
Posts: 275

Originally Posted by Heritage View Post
Naysen, with that, you've moved me back into the Powdery camp. There are two different Powdery Mildews and the one we're talking doesn't have the fuzzy white growth:

The high humidity inside the plant canopy would be ideal for mildew and the thick growth probably kept your preventative sprays from protecting the leaves.

Any sulfur formulation labeled for tomatoes and powdery mildew should help. I know you are aware of the caveat "do not spray when it's hot (>90F, especially if low humidity) or use sulfur if you have used oil sprays in the last 2 weeks (some say a month)". I sprayed my worst looking row of plants tonight with flowable sulfur. It's amazing how fast that yellow creeps up the plants.

As far as other organic fungicides for mildew, I have had good luck with Neem, but I know that is in your spray arsenal already and not been a great help. I would also like to know of an alternative to sulfur, maybe Paradatz, or others, can suggest an organic cure?

sorry, but one could say that the only organic cure for for L.T. caused mildews is not to get it

also, sulfur is a preventive with L.T. ( in addition to being an excellent acaricide ), but it won't stop the disease, only systemics like triazol ( penconazole, difenoconazole, etc. ) and some others actually can.
please also note, sulfur products might/will have some negative effects on ability of a flower to turn into a tomato.

but, eventually, if you had a L.T. problem on tomato, outdoors especially, you wouldn't have to worry about it that much: usually the bugger gets into control by weather on its own, with no required steps from your side- 25C almost stops it, 30C is a baricade it won't pass. ( sorry, short on time and having troubles managing with F-scale ).
anyway, outdoors it can produce significant damages only if the plants are very very very weak and/or overdosed by nitro. again, in such a case it if wasn't for L.T. to get it something else would, so one shouldn't worry about it just the same.
but, in this case, his plants aren't weak, just the oposite
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