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Old June 12, 2013   #17
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Originally Posted by Master_Gardener View Post
I understand that farmers cannot grow everything and they may not be able to sell everything at the farmers markets they attend. I see nothing wrong with farmer 'A' selling to farmer 'B' who then sells to me. At least that is the way my local farmers market works sometimes. As long as they know who and how it was grown, it works for me.

Usually, farmers 'A' and 'B' have been working together for a long time. They know and depend on each other as we depend on them.

We are a producers market where I attend. We are to be the producer of said item, not "a purveyor of fine fruits and vegetables". In theory it is a great idea and how a grocery store operates and that is what you expect, but I have a problem with farmer C who just purveyed from farmer A and B (or a produce auction) and claims it as their own and that it is organic, too.
carolyn k
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