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Old June 16, 2013   #20
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Richmond, TX
Posts: 327

The real problem with markets is us, the sellers.

Many outright lie to customers, many create confusion, and many have no sense of fair play or integrity.

For example, one market I work here rolls like this:

Hours are 2-6. A couple vendors show up at 12, meet people early, and then keep doing it. Telling customers to come early to get their best stuff.

If you use daconil or miraclegro, just say so. If you use roundup before you till, just say so. Don't laugh and joke with other sellers about how organic is not possible around here if you plant to have anything to sell, and then tell customers you use no pesticides or sprays of any kind.

I tell customers I follow the guidelines at Texas A&M for our area, and I treat when I have to.

So in other words, don't to the Monsanto protest in Houston wearing your bandana with all the peace signs on it and then use a generic Roundup and think that's ok because it doesn't say Roundup.
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