Thread: Rodents
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Old June 17, 2013   #10
DonnaMarieNJ's Avatar
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I bought two electric fence kits on Amazon last year. It will be a challenge to put it up considering my garden layout, the neighborhood dogs, my four cats, and the people who also come into my yard.... Plus, it won't get the smaller critters like mice and rats. It's the woodchucks, skunks, squirrels, raccoons, and stray cats who spray their scent on my containers, etc., that it will affect. No system is perfect. You just do what you can and try to pretend the inconvenience of the wires in your garden doesn't exist....... <sigh>

On a better note, I heard that once a critter gets zapped they "learn" and do not come back. So, hopefully that will happen to me and I can take the nasty, in-the-way electric fence down asap!

I pay the mortgage, but my cats own the house!
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