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Old July 9, 2013   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Hoboken, NJ USA
Posts: 347

Thanks for your reply, Narnian. Wow, you're growing some in cardboard boxes?? I hadn't heard of doing that before. Do you provide some reinforcement to keep it from sagging when it gets wet?

I've been browsing around a bit more and noting tomato plant foliage. I had used a high nitrogen fertilizer by mistake in the beginning and then backed off, for fear of the nitrogen level getting too high. But given how my plants are growing now compared to what I've seen on-line it looks like they're a little nitrogen starved. I imagine chicken poop and seaweed are good sources of it. I don't have easy access to those, but I'll try some alternatives.

We have had some very hot and humid days here, pushing into the low and mid 90F/32C range. I tied on a white plastic bag to help provide a little shade on the blossoms so they would have a slightly better chance of surviving, which looks like it may have helped.

Anyway, I was using some liquid fertilizer I had on hand which is 2-1-2, but I think I'll go out and get some fertilizer geared specifically for tomatoes and give that a shot. As for the soil, I'd been reading that the main concern is aeration, that typical soil will be much denser than potting mix and so the tomato roots won't breathe as well. I forgot to mention that my pots are the SWC type. When I dig my index finger into the soil, it feels moist but not soggy. I do some watering from above near the main stem when there are several days of no rain, so that there's some moisture and nutrient movement from the top down to the roots. But I think I'll do most of my watering from the bottom reservoir from now on.
I'm (container growing apartment dweller)
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