Thread: bleach spray
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Old July 25, 2013   #83
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Originally Posted by tnpeppers View Post
Just to clarify...if the bleach spray happens to get onto the foliage of healthy plants; does the spray do any damage? (Using the 5 oz of '8.5% bleach' per gallon formula.) Would it be a mistake to spritz healthy plants as a preventative?
The bleach spray if mixed at the correct dosage will not hurt healthy plant growth unless sprayed in the sunshine and then you might get some minor leaf burn on some healthy leaves. I always spray all of my plants from top to bottom and the undersides of the leaves as well preferably late in the afternoon after the sun has gone down. The only leaves that are affected are the ones infected with some type of foliage disease. Remember also that just because you don't see an obvious disease symptom doesn't mean it hasn't spread further than you think. That is why I recommend spraying as soon as you see any disease symptoms and spraying the whole plant and then following up later with a fungicide for prevention.

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